martes, 18 de enero de 2022


 El project que haremos en este tema consiste en describir nuestra ciudad y hablar de nuestra calle, de los comercios y servicios cercanos. También explicaremos como llegar desde mi casa al colegio. Para ello tendrán que usar las siguientes expresiones:

There is....
There are.....
A lot
Preposiciones: next to, opposite, in front of, behind...
Directions: Go to the left, go straight on, cross, past,...
On the left/ on the right
I think......../ I believe.....

Tienen que usar conectores: But, also, so,....

I live in Zafra, a city located in the southwest of Extremadura. In my city there are.......... but there aren't........
There is also a ........
I live in Sevilla Street. Next to my house there are many shops and restaurants, but there aren't any....
To go to school from my house I have to cross the street, then take the second street on the right, go straight on and past the park.

I like my city because....../ I don't like my city because....

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